Given that he has a criminal record, can Trump still be elected president?

Given that he has a criminal record, can Trump still be elected president?

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A "never surrender" Donald Trump poster and an American flag are waved in front of Federal Court on in New York City. (Source: Getty)
The first former US president to be found guilty of a felony is none other than Donald Trump. Does that mean he can never be president again?

Trump was found guilty of forging financial documents as part of a plot to rig the 2016 election by paying hush money to a porn star who claimed to have had sex with him.

9.5 hours into their deliberations, the jury found Trump guilty on all 34 counts.

The former US president's sentencing is scheduled for July.

Four years in prison is the maximum sentence for his crimes. Because Trump, 77, has never been found guilty of a crime, legal experts say it is improbable that he would go to jail. 

Can Trump continue to seek the presidency?
To put it briefly? Indeed.
The US Constitution simply stipulates that a candidate for president must be at least 35 years old, a citizen by birth, and have spent at least 14 years in the country.

The US Constitution's 14th Amendment does prohibit anyone who has taken part in an insurrection from holding the office of president. There are three additional criminal cases that Trump is juggling at the moment, but none of them include rebellion.

The daughter-in-law of Trump In an interview with Fox News Channel, Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee, stated that Trump would hold virtual protests and campaign events in the case of a conviction and home confinement.

Does Trump have the right to vote still?

Trump was found guilty this morning. (Source: Associated Press)

Trump resides in Florida, a state notorious for restricting the voting rights of people with felony convictions. But he can still vote as long as he stays out of prison in New York state.

That’s because Florida defers to other states’ disenfranchisement rules for residents convicted of out-of-state felonies.

In Trump’s case, New York law only removes the right to vote for people convicted of felonies when they’re incarcerated. Once they’re out of prison, their rights are automatically restored, even if they’re on parole, per a 2021 law passed by the state’s Democratic legislature.

“If a Floridian’s voting rights are restored in the state of conviction, they are restored under Florida law,” Blair Bowie of the Campaign Legal Center wrote in a post explaining the state of law, noting that people without Trump’s legal resources are often confused by Florida’s complex rules.

So as long as Trump isn’t sent to prison, he can vote for himself in Florida in November’s election.

Will others, though, now cast ballots for him?
It's doubtful that Trump's felony conviction will have any bearing at all on the election in a sharply divided America.

Despite the possibility of a prison sentence and three ongoing criminal proceedings, top strategists from both parties think Trump is still in a strong position to defeat Biden.

At the very least, there were immediate indications that the guilty decision was bringing the various factions of the Republican Party together in the short term, as GOP officials from all over the political spectrum united behind their beleaguered presumed presidential nominee, whose campaign was anticipated to reap the benefits of an infusion of cash.


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