Teacher imprisoned after having sex with two schoolboys

Teacher imprisoned after having sex with two schoolboys

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Rebecca Joynes was jailed for six-and-a-half years

Manchester Crown Court heard that from the age of 15, Rebecca Joynes began to groom both boys by exchanging messages on social media.

The 30-year-old was previously found guilty on two counts of having sex with a different child and four counts of having sex with a child.

Joynes sobbed and trembled in the dock while receiving a six-and-a-half-year sentence.

Joynes, the trial heard, was "flattered" by the attention of teenage schoolboys when she was 28 years old, fresh out of a nine-year relationship.

Neither teenager - known as Boy A and Boy B throughout the trial - can be identified due to their age.


Joynes gave birth to Boy B's baby in early 2024, with the child being taken away from her within 24 hours.

In a victim impact statement, Boy B said "one of the hardest things" was not being told anything about the baby.

He added: "I struggled to come to terms with my abuse, I was completely in denial."

He claimed to have "betrayed someone I love and done wrong by giving evidence" during the trial, but he had since realized "the full extent" of the abuse and "tactics used."

He said he was "coerced, controlled, manipulated, sexually abused, and mentally abused", adding: "I will forever be Rebecca‘s victim and forever linked to her through our child."

At the sentencing hearing, the judge, Kate Cornell, told Joynes: "You were the adult, the person in control.

"You should have known better. You failed to enforce the boundaries of proper conduct but deliberately transgressed them."

The trial heard Joynes would "laugh off" inappropriate comments instead of shutting down the behaviour.

She gave Boy A all but one of the digits of her mobile phone number as a maths problem-solving exercise in which he had to work out the final digit.

They then connected on Snapchat and he sent her flirtatious texts, with the pair agreeing to meet in secret.

CCTV shows teacher Rebecca Joynes buying a £350 Gucci belt for a boy she groomed

Boy A lied to his mother that he was staying at a friend's house after school but instead Joynes picked him up and took him to the Trafford Centre, where she bought him a £350 Gucci belt.

According to Judge Cornell, Joynes' flirtatious body language and eye contact during the belt purchase were captured on camera, and they "could hardly be a clearer indication of grooming behavior."

At Joynes' apartment, she had two sexual encounters with Boy A.

The boy dismissed the love-bite on his neck as "nothing" when his mother discovered it the following day.

She stormed into the school reception when police were called regarding the case, according to testimony given in court.

Joynes was then given bail, conditional on her not speaking to anyone younger than eighteen without adult supervision.

She testified at trial that following a "breakdown," she moved back to her parents' house in Wirral, and that is when Boy B messaged her on Snapchat, when she was at her lowest.

Later, he told the police that Joynes had told him she could not conceive and that they frequently had carefree sexual encounters at her Salford Quays apartment.

Joynes violated her bail conditions and was placed under arrest for five months before being released on bond in November of last year.

PA/Peter Byrne Rebecca Joynes, 30, hiding under a coat as she arrives at Manchester Crown Court
When Joynes arrived at Manchester Crown Court to receive her sentence, she hid under a coat.

Greater Manchester Police Det Con Beth Alexander stated: "School should be a place of safety for children."

"Some of the public remarks following Joynes' conviction make it evident that there is still a dearth of knowledge regarding men and boys becoming victims of sexual offenses.

They have been exposed to harmful and dangerous rhetoric, such as that they should be grateful that a young female teacher showed interest in them and that others are 'jealous' of them.

"Paedophiles are not just men; women can also be such; this term is not gender specific. Boys and men can still experience sexual abuse.


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